Squat Stance

If I’m being honest, I’ve changed my squat stance a few times and I also feel a bit lost with it right now as well.

Before my first powerlifting meet, I squatted with my feet hip width apart and hinging mostly from the hips.

After my first meet, I played around with a slightly narrower stance, toes slightly pointed outwards, and more hinging from the knees. I felt really comfortable squatting this way for some time (until the pandemic hit).

Fast forward a few years and I am lost again. I feel like I’ve lost strength and mobility (maybe because I got out of the swing of things due to the pandemic/pure laziness/interest in other sports) and naturally I am leaning towards my original wide stance. I don’t know why. Maybe I just need to practice more and build up strength. Either way, I am just starting from zero again with my squat and once again playing around with what stance feels good.

So how do you know what squat stance is right for you? At the end of the day, just do what feels right for you and your goals! Work on progressing by increasing ROM and strength safely. Everyone has a different hip anatomy and therefore everyone’s stance will be different.

If you have any questions about form, feel free to send me an email or a DM.

Happy lifting!

Justine Nagra, BSc Kin
